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Centre of Excellence

Centre of Excellence2023-10-23T15:48:25+00:00

Patient experience is at the heart of what we do and we monitor patient feedback to ensure we’re delivering the best possible service.

Patient satisfaction levels currently stand at:

Surrey Downs Telederm Clinic
Greenwich Clinic
Croydon Dermatology Clinic
Bexley Clinic

Our extensive mobilisation experience ensures that all services are mobilised swiftly providing immediate support to commissioners. Our robust mobilisation plan ensures that services are implemented without slippages.

examples of success…

  • Full mobilisation of services in an average of 4 weeks with previous achievement of full mobilisation within 10 days of contract award
  • Contractual Performance
  • Consistent achievement of contractual KPIs
  • Specific Achievements
  • DNA rate consistently below 5%
  • Referrals to secondary care below 10%
  • Average FU ratio across our services of 1:0.4

We have extensive experience of providing GP education sessions in a variety of different formats to successfully increase primary care knowledge and management of conditions.

examples of success…
Our holistic approach ensures that education is informed by accurate data and tailored to local and individual needs producing the maximum benefit to patients, referrers and commissioners.

Our business development team have extensive experience of working with commissioners to identify and implement improvements to processes, pathways and provision across our contracts to ensure effective patient journeys and produce significant savings for commissioners.

examples of success…

In response to local capacity issues, we worked with BHR CCG to extend service provision from Havering into Barking & Dagenham – we mobilised this service within 4 weeks across 2 locations within the borough, reducing waiting times for patients seen by 48 weeks and significantly reducing capacity issues within the local hospital.