Communitas Clinics is committed to providing specialist ENT and Dermatology services to the communities we serve, free from prejudice, and without discrimination against any individual or groups of people.
Equality, Diversity and inclusion principles are the foundation at every point of interaction with patients, visitors, and staff.
We expect all staff, patients and visitors to support our commitment to promoting Equalities and Diversities and meeting the requirements of the Equality Act to ensure inclusion within our communities.
We endeavour to provide:
- Our staff with a safe place to work
- Our patients with a safe environment to receive care and treatment
- Our visitors with a safe place to attend
We do not tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment by any patient, visitor, or staff member.
Our commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion for our communities starts with our recruitment and selection of our employees and progresses though their employment. By providing fair and equitable opportunities to our diverse workforce, in line with the Workforce Race Equality Standards, we ensure a culture that promotes our ethos of an equitable service for everyone in our communities, our staff, our patients and our visitors.
We have robust processes in place to ensure there is no discrimination of patients, visitors or staff based on age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation.
We ensure services are delivered to meet the health needs of local communities within the scope of service we are commissioned to provide.
We are aware that individual needs may vary, and we take every reasonable measure to ensure any barriers to access and use of our services are addressed. Availability of information in easy read, accessible facilities, translator and interpreter services are some of the measures we have employed to ensure we provide equitable access to individual people’s health needs.
Please let a member of our staff know of any support you may need in accessing and using our services.
We understand that your journey through various NHS organisations, may at times become overwhelming. We aim to make the transition of your care between care providers as smooth as possible. We strive to use the most efficient pathways and ensure that your care is transferred to and from our services with the appropriate information to ensure you receive the best quality care and outcomes. This includes understanding your specific requirements, involving you as you wish to be in decisions about your care.
The safety of our patients, visitors and staff is prioritised. We strive to provide services that are free from mistakes, mistreatment, and abuse. We ensure all patients, visitors and staff are treated with dignity and respect.
We welcome people’s feedback about our services and all complaints are handled respectfully and efficiently.
Published 29/09/2023